Death and Dolls

Did you know that there is a link between death and dolls? This may be why they are so creepy to some people and give off the “Heeby-Jeeby” vibes.

There have been several practices throughout the ages that have allowed for people to mark the memory of loved ones. Mourning Hair Art and Post-Mortem photography to name a couple. Grave dolls quickly became a way for parents of deceased children to have an effigy in remembrance of their son or daughter that had passed on.

A lot of times, these wax effigy’s were for those families who were able to afford it. They would set up the doll at the funeral and often times dress it up in clothing items that had belonged to the child that passed away. After the funeral and burial, a lot of times, they would leave the doll next to the gravesite. During the Victorian Era, this had become the most popular way to deal an cope with a child’s passing.

Dolls have a more human form. Because of this, it makes them ideal objects to become vessels for spirits and residual energy. This could be the biggest reason why dolls are some of the most likely objects to become haunted.

When tragic and unplanned things happens to the dolls owner, or if the owner of the doll has some very unhappy or negative feelings, that energy can be transferred to the doll itself.

Residual energy can go dormant for quite a while. If the doll gets sent to a new home or owner, and if the energy conditions are just right, the dormant residual energy will then “activate” and cause happenings with the new owner in the new location.

Spirits have been known to take residence in dolls. They have been known to be attracted to the residual energy that is lodged in the doll itself or have some sort of attraction to the owner of the doll.

Dolls have been used in the past for deliberate spirit summoning and spell work. This directly invites the spirits to inhabit the dolls

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Fact or Fiction: The Mothman


The Mothman of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, a subject of debate among many investigators. Is he real or merely a figment of the imagination? Many people are familiar with the film “The Mothman Prophecies” starring Richard Gere and take it at face value. A fictional supernatural thriller based on a book from 1975, based on actual events in 1967. The collapse of the Silver Bridge, while that event itself is not enough to fill a book and take up more than 90mins on the silver screen, it’s the mysteries that surround the event that filled the pages and minutes.

The film recounts other sightings and cases of The Mothman, these other accounts in the movies are fictitious and not to be believed. Now, that is not to say that Mothy has not been seen at other places of pain and disaster, because he has. The movie just paints him as something else, plus one of the events had just happened and was too much of a taboo to bring up in that context. Events, such as 9/11, The Swine Flu outbreak in Mexico, the I-35W Bridge Disaster, and the Silver bridge accident, to name a few. The Mothman appears to be an American phenomenon rather than a global one.

Parting from the film, the Legend of the Mothman associates with disasters for a long time, in other forms. England and other nations have Owlman and other such animal human hybrids. So this could be something else entirely or just how people perceive the same entities. Like how fairies are seen in different ways by people in different times and places, much like how we evolve overtime. Which if we are being honest with each other is probably true.

So with that in mind Mothman and his kin have been around the world for centuries warning of danger, or watching at a close proximity, possibly causing the danger in the first place. The latter is the least likely of the ideas that come up about Mothy. In my mind Mothman is a watcher, and those who are sensitive to the other worlds and dimensions around us can see him and his kin. Time and tide will reveal more information on sightings in the USA, but for now we receive reports from the middle east and countries where warzones are on their doorsteps.


Below are some links to resources that I have found to be interesting, as well as the link to the Mothman museum:

Mothman Museum:



There are documentaries and videos and articles galore on the subject of Mothy, who according to some reports seems more demonic than anything, but from the standpoint of my research, he is just another critter out there in the wide world making his way, maybe warning us of impending doom, or just watching like some scientific drone. It is hard to say, so until we know more keep your eye on the sky and trust your gut.

**If you have enjoyed what you read, please rate, give a thumbs up. The credit for the blog goes to: Robert Shields, Historian and Researcher for OPR Michigan**

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Introduction to James…

The following blog below was written by our newest team addition, James Lemke. Please enjoy, and look forward to more blog entries from him. If you like what you read, please leave a comment!



I believe that anything great, anything long lasting, regardless if it’s a relationship, or even just a story, begins with an introduction.  A beginning.  A hello.  A nice to meet you.  That is what this is, it is my introduction to you, the reader, and in it I will share with you my interest in the paranormal.  My interest, my curiosity, with the paranormal starts with the first house I ever remember living in as a child.  As with all good ghost stories, the house that we lived in was old.  While I am not sure of how old the house is, what I am sure of is all the paranormal activity that happened while we lived there.  Apparitions taking on the appearance of people we didn’t know or recognize, even taking on the appearance of people that we did know.  Footsteps that could be heard walking up and down the stairs.  Objects being moved on their own.  In fact, on more than one occasion after we had moved out of the house, my mother would often return and ask the owners if anything “strange” was going on.  Every single time I can remember my mother doing this, the answer was always the same.  Yes.  There was.  So I know that whatever was there when we lived in this house, was still there several years after we had moved out.  While I was far too young to fully understand what was happening to us at the time, these experiences have stayed with me all these years later.

I am a curious person and I am often drawn to the unexplained.  I can’t explain why this is, it’s just the way I am and always have been.  My mother was the same way.  She loved a good ghost story.  I can’t even begin to account for all the times I heard her talk with either my Grandma and Grandpa about the stories they had when they were growing up in the hills of Kentucky as children.  Or all the times she would talk with one of my many Aunts or Uncles about their experiences with the paranormal.  I think other than her curiosity with the unexplained, my mother just enjoyed a good scare.  I was sixteen when she died.  She had been diagnosed with cancer in September and had succumbed to the disease the following April.  The day of her funeral, she came and said goodbye to my brother and I that night when we had gone to bed.  The following morning when we woke up, we told our father about what had happened and he shared us with a similar experience.  This was my first experience in having known and loved someone in life, and then being visited by them after their death.  It wouldn’t be my last experience either.  After my brother had passed from the same type of cancer that had killed our mother, he had made his presence known to my ex-wife and I the very next night, and then again, the following night the day before his funeral.

While there are countless assumptions and numerous speculations on what happens after we die, and with each religion sharing their own account of what happens when our soul leaves our physical body, truth be told nobody knows for sure.  Whatever does happen, I don’t believe that your soul is instantaneously transported to either a Heaven or Hell.  I firmly believe that you have every opportunity to not go into the light, and stay here on earth but in a spiritual form.  I also believe that when someone crosses over, that they can come back.  I have come to these beliefs based solely on the experiences I have had in life and these conclusions are the ones that I feel make the most sense to me.  We live our lives experiencing a wide range of emotions, thoughts, and feelings.  Every minute, of every day, from the moment we draw our first breath to the moment we breath our last.  Why then, should this be any different when our physical bodies die and we then exist in the spiritual plane?  I don’t believe it does.  I believe that what is important to us when we are alive, is still important to use after we die.  The people we love. The items we cherish. The work we did.  How else can you explain our loved ones visiting us after they have died, or items that have a spiritual attachment to them, or even the spirits that haven’t moved on because they have work they still feel they need to do.


I think, and the only way that I can try to explain it, is that it is through my compassion and understanding of the human spirit is why I believe that I am a sensitive.  Now, this doesn’t mean that spirits talk to me and I talk with them, so much as what it means I am simply able to tell when I am in the presence of a spirit.  I also believe that I do have the abilities and the talents to communicate with a spirit if I was so inclined to.  The way I have recently described it, it feels like my phone is ringing, and I can see it’s ringing, but instead of answering it, I turn the phone over and pretend it’s not ringing.  I know it’s not because I am afraid of what or who is trying to get my attention, so much as what I am just trying to be cautious.  Because while I believe in the spirit realm and while many hauntings are simply spirits who have not moved on yet, I also believe in demons, malevolent energies, and things that wish to do us harm.  I certainly don’t think that being a sensitive is something you just start doing and take on without running the risk of hurting yourself or those around you.  As much as what it is human nature to be curious about what happens after we die, I think we also need to be both mindful and responsible of what might come through that door when we open it.  Even though our intentions might be honest, we still need to be mindful of our actions.

It is also because of my compassion and understanding of the human spirit is why I am drawn to the paranormal stories that are tragic in nature, or tell a story of misfortune and suffering.  It’s not because I enjoy seeing people in need or in situations of dire circumstances, but it’s because I see these instances as the greatest opportunity to help.  If you think about it, how many times in life have you felt alone?  Felt hopeless?  Felt lost?  How many times have you just wished, hoped, and maybe even prayed, that someone, anyone, would just take a moment and help?  I know I have.  I have lived a hard life.  I have gone through so many hardships throughout my life, and there was not one moment, one time, where all I wanted was for someone to be there for me.  So why then, should this be any different when we die?  If someone was to die in a state of duress, and if this energy carries over with them into the afterlife, wouldn’t this person still want help with whatever was causing them pain or discomfort in life?  I certainly think so.  But then how does or how would a spirit communicate this to someone still living?  Not easily I would imagine.  But what I can imagine would be the frustration this spirit would have though in communicating to us what is still holding them back and preventing them in crossing over and moving to the light.  These are the cases, the hauntings, where I feel I could help do the most good.

However, even though I am a lifelong believer in the paranormal, and I am enthusiastic about my membership in Outreach Paranormal Research, I am still very much a skeptic and will never just automatically assume that every bump in the night is because of a ghost.  I will always look for the most logical explanation for any suspected activity, it’s just in my nature to do so.  There have been times in my own life where I thought something paranormal had happened, but I was able to debunk the event through analytical and logical reasoning.  I am a very suspicious person, and I think that lends to the integrity of any observation I might have.  You can be rest assured that with the information I might provide, it will be as accurate and as honest as possible.  Even when I was serving in the military, I was known for my integrity and always being willing to tell the hard truth, regardless of what the consequences might be.  With that said though, I am also a firm believer that if you are in your house alone and you sneeze and you hear someone say, “Bless You” that chances are you have a ghost.  As the newest member of Outreach Paranormal Research, I am really looking forward to start doing some investigative work with the team and I am hopeful about the help I will be able to provide our clients.  Maybe somewhere along the way I will be able to find answers to my own questions that I have.

2016-12-10 14.21.24


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Hello Para-Friends!

Hello friends of OPR!!

Just wanted to let you know that we are still here and helping the communities. We have been very busy building a top notch team and expanding our services. We want to Thank each and every one of you that has stuck by us through the years and has supported our endeavor.

We are looking to revive a lot of our old media outlets. We have been away from Blog Talk Radio for some time now, and are in the works of getting that back up and running on a regular basis.

We have team members that are currently working on writing about a series of topics to be able to post to this blog, and trust me, you are going to want to read them! They really have been working hard to bring you the information and the stories that you want to read!

On the flipside, if there is something that you want from us, please let us know! We love hearing from our friends and followers.

Wishing you all a great week and hoping that this finds you well!

Happy Haunt Hunting

Christy – Founder

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Annual Adopt-A-Beanie

Hi everyone!

Our group is having their annual donation to the Helen DeVos Childrens Hospital. This is where we donate Ty Beanie Babies and money to the children that need it the most. We have several hundred beanies that we would like to donate. Would you help? Even if you are not able to help, we would appreciate that you share this one your page and pass the word along in the paranormal community.

Here is how it works:

– $1 buys 1 Beanie Baby

-The $$ AND the Beanie Baby BOTH get donated to the Helen DeVos Childrens Hospital

-You can “adopt” more than one beanie if you would like

-You can send the donation in the mail or through PayPal. If you would like to send it through PayPal, please use the following address:

-If you would like to write a check, please make it payable to: Helen DeVos Childrens Hospital

-If you need the address as per where to send the money, please send us a private message.

**We ask that you please do not send cash**

Again, please share this on your pages so that we can raise as much money as we can for the Childrens Hospital.

You are always more than welcome to message us with any questions at:

Happy Haunt Hunting!

Christy – Founder

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Sincere Thanks

Hi Everyone!

This is Christy, Founder of OPR. I just wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to the members of this team.

I can begin to tell you about the dedication that these folks have to the group, the clients and the community. I am always so amazed and awe inspired by the kindness that they continuously show in the work that they do. I have never worked with a greater bunch of people in my life!! The generosity and love that each member brings to the team when working with families and businesses in need of our services is beyond compare.

We have been truly blessed with some wonderful people, and each person brings a different dynamic to the table. I am so proud of the team that we have today, and I know that I can always count on them.

The team has been faced with many challenges throughout the years and we have overcome above and beyond each time.

Each new case we show that we are improving and will not let our service to the community fail, fall or waiver.

You all are so amazing! Thank you for being a part of this journey with me and making this team what it is today!

Many Blessings,


thank you

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Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary is one of the most iconic of all urban legends, practically everyone knows about her and every region has their take on this legend that borders on being a fabled myth. A name that strikes fear and terror into the minds of young people daring enough to enter into the ‘ritual’ of this infamous ‘mirror witch.’ The legend has many tales of origin and each says to ‘summon’ her a person must stand before a dimly lit mirror and call ‘Bloody Mary’ three times and her visage will appear to the one who called her name. What happens then depends upon the version you heard, though the most common ends are:
Vanishing into the mirror
Being found dead with bloody claw marks all over your body
Simply vanishing
Coming down with a really bad fever cooking you on the inside accompanied by claw marks
Mary screaming in the mirror clawing to get out
Woman crying in the mirror leading to permanent haunting
Just dropping dead

In several versions one can get a ‘better reaction’ by ending the chant with either “I stole your baby” or “Mary Worth I summon thee.” The version I heard growing up in the 1990’s included both endings to the chant. As a young elementary student you are full of fear and excitement when hearing about things like this and trying them out as soon as possible.


The oldest record I could find of the name Bloody Mary, or rather the most famous person to hold the name that was worth recording was Queen Mary Tudor of England, in the mid 1500’s. She was so named because she had many protestants put to death mainly by burning at the stake; Damning them to hell for all time. During her reign as Queen, Mary and her husband tried for heirs, but all pregnancies were either miscarriages or she showed all signs of carrying a baby, but there was in fact no child in her womb. Thus the mystery of where “I stole your baby” came from is solved, in part. Queen Mary became ill, claiming to be burning all the time. This could have easily been a case of the scarlet fever, or her organs over working, or it could have been her punishment for condemning souls to purgatory, to take the places of the people she damned for all eternity.
There are many other legends surrounding Mary in America, Anywhere in which pilgrims settled there is a legend of a young girl who was buried alive after being pronounced dead in a medical error. Or a Mary who was burned as a witch after killing a handful of people, again wrongfully. There is even one about Mary falling off a cliff to her death, however this would change everything making the legend about a death by water.
Legends even include an old woman named Mary who by our standards are middle aged, roughly 30-50 year old woman, who is a witch that sucked the lives out og little girls to keep young and beautiful and thus the plot for Hocus Pocus was born, but that is another side tale, that has nothing to do with this.
The last one looked at takes place in the Midwest/planes region of America and it says that Mary was in love with a man, much older, became pregnant by him, lost the child and he killed her in a house fire, then many years later, when he fell in love with another woman he was killed in flames that came from within him, while the woman lost the baby and nothing else happened to her.

Which ever legend or line of history is true, Mary has roots everywhere from England to the Americas and possibly beyond.

Personal experience

I remember my experience vividly, though nothing happened I felt chills, but it was all self induced due to hyping myself up. Many are left with a feeling of being robbed of a paranormal experience, but others are left with moments that make them wonder if she actually exists.
I asked my roommate if she had had an experience with the game known as Bloody Mary and she laughed, as if I had to ask. Let’s call her Beth.
Beth told me that she was at a sleep over with friends and at around midnight the girls decided to play bloody Mary and Beth having expressed no interest in playing the game feeling it was stupid and if the soul of Mary was out there she had to be tired of this “game” kids play to amuse themselves. So she went in with a lit candle said her peace to Mary about how she thought the game was stupid and that she didn’t have to come to her and for Mary to take a rest. Beth did the chant the way she had heard it, all proper like, but nothing appeared in the mirror though the flame did flicker, and she felt warm, but nothing bad, a loving heat. She said when she left the bathroom her friends were begging to know if anything happened but nothing really had in the way they expected. So telling them nothing had happened wasn’t a lie.

Final/Personal Thoughts

The figure of a woman named Mary dates all the way back to the time of Christ and beyond, some loving and compassionate others are dark and mysterious. The visage of Bloody Mary has been around for who knows how long in all actuality and it may always be a mystery, but it could be a young pilgrim girl wrongfully killed by burning, or an old witch who wants to be young again, or perhaps, the Queen of England, Bloody Mary Tudor, serving penance in purgatory looking for the children robbed from her. I personally look at history and say, Bloody Mary, you are the Queen of England and you deserve your family. Whip those brats into shape, and tech them to respect their long dead rulers, just please, no killings.


Blog written by: Robert Shields (Outreach Paranormal Research, Investigator)


**If you like what you read, Robert can be reach through the group email at:

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Fact vs. Fiction

Oh boy… I dont even know where to begin with this one…

As a Paranormal Investigator we get all types of cases, phone calls and situations. No two are alike. Each one is different and needs to be treated as such. With that said, there are those out there that believe that all cases are handled the same and the results and outcomes of each case are going to be the same as they see on television or the movies. Now, this is where I have to do one of those famous *FACEPALMS*.


This is because we find it so frustrating that Hollywood has created this type of situation for us. Thanks to movies and “not-so-honest” paranormal television shows, they have basically freaked out America into believing that this is whats going to happen to them should they experience something.


First of all, those noises that you hear coming from the basement… Its not always the boogieman or ghost hiding underneath the stairs. Things that happen in your home are that may seem a bit odd is not always paranormal. There are a lot of times that we get calls for things that happen in home that are a bit “odd”, but would be totally normal to an aging or settling home.

Secondly, there are a lot on NATURAL factors that play into activity that people with no knowledge of the paranormal do not know about. Such as; Quartz, water, limestone, copper piping, high EMF can give you the same effects as genuine paranormal activity and can be a conductor for activity. Does that mean that you are going to start vomitting pea soup and have your head spin around like Linda Blair? Not at all!


Keep in mind that not everything is Demonic. Not everything is malevolant in nature. There are plenty of times that true activity, spirits and entities will try to make you think that they are bigger than what they really are. So, please, dont always think from the beginning that you are dealing with a Demon. In fact, VERY few cases are actually demonic in nature. We are not saying that they dont happen, but they are rare and few and far between.

Now… I know that this is going to upset some of you, and thats ok. I would rather have the truth out there than to have you think that we are going to tell you something that you want to hear…. Are you ready for this???????


I can say this honestly because I have personally gotten to know and worked with/investigated with almost all the ones that you see on television. I have had in depth conversations with them. Here’s the thing you have to remember, they are there to make money and give the Television station ratings. You will not see what a full investigation looks like. Investigations take more than an hour, they dont show you the hours it takes for ONE investigation and the HOURS that you spend pouring over the evidence afterwards. A paranormal investigation cannot be wrapped up into a 30 or 60 minute T.V. program.

Now, dont get me wrong, there are some very honest televised investigators out there, but, keep in mind, they have no control over how shows get edited.

We do feel that there are something that are televised that should not be as they do give the paranormal field and investigators a bad name just based on the way that they investigate, and we dont feel that this should be televised because it does not portray all teams accurately. We will not mention any names of shows, but we will say this… Any person that goes into a location and starts bullying and yelling at the spirits and entities… Well, we dont think to highly of them. Remember, ghosts were people too. And I wouldnt think that you would want to have someone step into your location and start bullying the spirits around you… What if one of them was the spirit of your dead Grandmother? Just think about that one.

This is why it is so important for paranormal teams to educate their clients during the investigation process. Outreach Paranormal Research prides themselves on educating the public and clients about the paranormal. We are not here to take your money, we are not here to freak you out and make the situation worse for you and your family. If nothing else, we hope that we will be able to educate you and your family on the subject so you are better suited to handle situations in the future.

We just ask that you dont believe everything that you see on the movies or television. Be smart, and know what is real and what isnt. Research the story and if you have questions about something NEVER be afraid to ask.

This ends my rant for the day… I hope that you all learned something! We are here to help!


Happy Haunt Hunting!

Christy- Founder

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Yep….. Still here!

So, I bet you thought that we left.

NOPE! We are still here! It has been crazy though! With everyone’s work schedules, changes in family (new additions, deaths, etc) we have really had our hands full.

So, thank you for being patient with us while we have taken a small hiatus from our blog. We are hoping to bring it back more with lots of interesting topics on the paranormal and information about our team!

Speaking of which, our team is doing great! We have expanded and gained some new memebers! Please stop by our Facebook page to get familiar with them. I bet they would love for you to say hi… Really… Go ahead… They dont bite. HONEST!

We have been talking about bringing back our BLOG TALK RADIO show. We had such a good response when it was airing, but we had to let it go for a while to revamp and get caught up on what was going on here at the homefront as I am sure you all can understand.

Yes, we are still accepting cases. We have received several phone calls, emails, text messages about this, and yes we are here and willing to help those that are in need of our services.

Yes, we are available for interview. We have also received several emails and voicemails asking for face to face and radio interviews with our group. We do schedule for these.

We are a very friendly and family oriented group. So please, take the time to get to know us. We love the support that we have received for the past 5 years. Thanks so much! And look for more blogs to come in the near future!

Since its Throw Back Thursday, we added a picture from 10/22/2010 when we went to Casa Madrid (Big Timers Sound Shop) in Chicago for an investigation with the Chicago Paranormal Detectives – CPD **From the A&E Television Show Paranormal Cops**


Happy Haunt Hunting!

~Christy~  (Founder)


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We will be collecting items for the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans for the holiday season. There is a long list of items that are needed for these men and women and it would be most helpful if you would be willing to put the word out and collect the items that are needed. The Grand Rapids Home for Veterans is greatful for all donations that are purchased for the residents. Many of these items are a luxury. All items on the list enhance the quality of life the Home’s veterans enjoy. Your help in obtaining these items will be greatly appreciated.

  • New Batteries: AAA, AA, C and D
  • Universal Remote Controls with Large Numbers
  • Gift Cards to: Meijer, Burger King, Wal-Mart, McDonalds, Target, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Cracker Barrel, IHOP
  • New Postage Stamps (preferably Forever Stamps)
  • Unused Cross Word, Sudoku, and Word Search Books
  • Recent Paperback Books and Magazines (published within the last 6 months)

**NOTE: The Homes Infection Control Policy requires all underwear given to the residents be ine new and original packaging**

  • New Men’s and Womens Underwear; all types and sizes
  • T-shirts & Sweat Shirts: S-3XL
  • Sweat Pants: S-3XL
  • Button-Down Shirts: S-3XL
  • Mens jeans and casual pants: 40-42-44-46-48-50-52 size pants all lengths
  • Mittens, Gloves, Hats and Scarves
  • New Socks for Men and Women as well as Diabetic Socks, all sizes and colors
  • New Tennis Shoes with Velcro Closing and New Shoe Laces: White, Black, or Brown
  • Quilts, Afghans, and Lap Robes (recommended Lap Robes 48″ x 48″)

**NOTE: All personal care items must be new and the package unopened**

  • Body Wash, Shower Gel, After-Shave, and Pre-Electric Lotion with fragrance
  • Shampoo, Hair Gel, or Conditioner with Fragrance, Men’s Hair Dressing and Hair Spray
  • Deodorant (roll-on preffered) and Eye Glass Cleaning and Repair Kits
  • Lip Balm/Chap Stick, Dental Floss, Denture Cream or Denture Cleaner
  • New Three-Headed Electric Razors and Replacement Heads

**NOTE: Please do not donate expired or nearly expired food items. They will not be served to the residents.**

  • Individually wrapped small candy bars (soft) and cookies
  • Individually wrapped chips, pretzels, and crackers & cheese
  • Crystal Light and Hot Chocolate Mix (powedered drink mix)

Monetary Donations are welcome for different types of projects. Please make checks payable to: Grand Rapids Home for Veterans (indicate the fund you prefer in the memo section of the check)

Types of Projects:

  • Special Entertainment
  • Activity Programs
  • Hospitality Services
  • Summer Carnival
  • Veterans Christmas Star Project
  • Multi-Media
  • Bowling Alley

Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have regarding this. Any and all that donate are welcome to accompany us to the Veterans Home. Handmade cards are always welcomed and appreciated. We would like to have everything collected by 12/20/2012 to ensure a timely delivery!

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